Sunday, April 26, 2020

Don't Celebrate Too Early - Everything Can Change in a Minute

Don't Celebrate too Early Because Everything Can Change in a Minute

There are a lot of good reasons people play sports — for the exercise, the camaraderie, and the joys of competition. Playing sports allows your mind to slip free from everything else in life except the task on hand. And as the saying goes, it’s not whether you win or lose, it’s how you play the game But let’s be honest — winning is more fun than losing. There is nothing like finding glory in sports, whether it’s from making a sliding catch, a diving block, a brilliant throw, or an extraordinary hit. That glory is rich enough when it happens in your average kids’ game or adult sports league, but when it happens at the highest levels of sport, it can be utterly life-changing. These are the moments that end up on the cover of magazines.But what happens when those moments go wrong? What happens when athletes celebrate too early? In games of inches and milliseconds, even a slightly mistimed start can have catastrophic consequences. And in these days of YouTube and ubiquitous digital cameras, those moments can live on forever in embarrassing perpetuity. We’ve trolled through the video bins of the inter webs and assembled these nine videos of athlete’s celebrating too soon. Enjoy!

Don't believe to much on your friend, please believe what is your Vision

 Here's some of video related with the topic or Tittle posting DON'T CELEBRATE TOO EARLY because Everything can change in a Minute You can watch this video as a sample to avoid the bad thing on you and your family.

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